The Mobile Lodge 54 conforms to building standards for a mobile home (park home). As such it enjoys the relaxed planning regulations enjoyed by mobile/park homes. It has a similar specification to our Tallbo cabins, and so is constructed of 88mm interlocking logs, double glazed windows and doors, and wall, ceiling and floor insulation to keep you comfortable in the coldest of winters.
Walls are a composite construction consisting of an 88mm outer log, 120mm of glass wool insulation, and a 22mm inner log profile cladding making a total wall thickness of 200mm. To achieve the same insulation with a solid log wall would require logs 400mm thick!
Design Collection
Direct from the factory
Mark Barber - Project Consultant +44(0)7939 739029
Terry Newman - Project Consultant +44(0)7734 947720

Scandinavian Log Homes
Please see our luxurious collection
of Scandinavian log homes

Scandinavian Log Cabins
Our collection of Log Cabins

Garden Buildings & Annexes
Our stunning collection of garden
buildings and annexes

Mobile Homes
Our collection of mobile homes